About Us

About Us


Our goal is to provide you with the best digital products available, from online courses and e-books to audiobooks and apps, all carefully selected to ensure excellence and relevance. With an unwavering commitment to the future, we are here to support your personal and professional development.

Ours history

What began as a dream is now a vibrant reality. With total dedication and effort, we take pride in offering a unique and satisfying shopping experience. Each product in our store is a testament to our passion for quality work and your success.

Explore our store and discover why so many trust us for their digital product needs. Join us and transform your aspirations into concrete achievements. Learn more about us and explore our products!

About Us
Portugal - Setúbal USA - California Brasil - Serra


Portugal – Setúbal
USA – California
Brasil – Serra

Monday to Friday: 9am - 3pm Products Delivery: Online - 24 hs

Work Time

Monday to Friday: 9am – 3pm
Products Delivery: Online – 24 hs
Email: info@yakhal.net


Email: info@yakhal.net